History of AAPM



The need to form a national medical physics society in the USA grew out of discussions to form an international medical physics federation (ultimately to be called the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP)).

Senior USA medical physicists involved in the formation of the IOMP proposed that this new international organization be comprised of national societies, not individuals.

But the USA did not have such a society, hence the urgent need to establish one.

June 1958: A Steering Committee was formed with the task to develop a proposal to create a national society.


The AAPM is formed

November 1958: A formal proposal was made to those medical physicists attending the RSNA meeting, this being the major single conference that medical physicists had been attending each year.

A motion to form the American Association of Physicists in Medicine was made and unanimously approved.

Functions were defined as professional and educational, not scientific.

A Temporary Constitution and Board of 12 Directors were presented and approved and the first President, Gale Adams, was elected.


1958-60: Gail Adams President

Second Annual Meeting was held at the RSNA in November 1959

A Constituting Committee was formed

Third Annual Meeting was held at the RSNA in November 1960

Constitution, with added scientific function, was approved

First professional questionnaire published

Affiliation with the International Committee on Medical Physics



1961: Warren Sinclair President

First AAPM scientific sessions held at the RSNA

Placement service started

“The Medical Physicist” published

Affiliation established with the International Organization of Pure and Applied Biophysics (IOPAB)


1962: John Hale President

First scientific committee was established

Support of Physics in Medicine and Biology (PMB) approved

Syllabus of “Radiological Physics for Residents in Radiology” published



1963: President Marvin Williams

IOMP established with the AAPM one of four founding members

Affiliation established with U.S. National Committee on Medical Physics, under auspices of National Academy of Sciences

Subcommittee on Radiation Dosimetry (SCRAD) formed



1964: President Edward Webster

Sponsorship of PMB begins with Volume 9

Scientific Committee on Radiation Dosimetry (SCRAD) created



1965: President John Laughlin

AAPM incorporated

AAPM becomes a Collaborating Organization of NCRP

First International Conference on Medical Physics (ICMP) held in Harrogate, UK

Physicists become eligible for Full Membership in the RSNA

AAPM becomes a co-sponsor of the American Board of Health Physics


1966: President Robert Shalek

First mid-year topical meeting held in Madison

SCRAD publishes “Protocol for Electron Beam Dosimetry” in PMB

Radiologic Physics Center approved


1967: President Lawrence Lanzl

1st Quarterly Bulletin published with Jim Kereiakes as Editor

AAPM becomes an Affiliated Society of the American Institute of Physics (AIP)

Symposium on High Energy Radiation Dosimetry held at New York Academy of Sciences


1968: President John Cameron

Membership reaches 500

Radiological Physics Center (RPC) established

Annual meetings still in Chicago but separated from RSNA

1st Midyear Symposium (on Diagnostic Radiology) held in San Francisco


1969: President Robert Gorson

First AAPM Summer School, Burlington, Vermont

AAPM becomes Charter Member of Alliance for Engineering in Medicine and Biology

Second ICMP held in Boston with Webster as Secretary-General

AIP begins to provide administrative services to the AAPM

Shirley Vickers assumes editorship of the Quarterly Bulletin



1970: President James Kereiakes

First Summer Annual Meeting, Washington, DC

AIP began to publish Quarterly Bulletin

“Problems in Physics for Radiology Residents” published


1971: President Peter Almond

First President to be elected by the members (previously by the Board)

SCRAD publishes “Protocol for Dosimetry of X- and Gamma-Ray Beams with Maximum energies between 0.6 and 50 MeV” in PMB

First report of AAPM-ACR Joint Committee on Manpower Needs in Medical Physics published

Colin Orton becomes the Editor of the Quarterly Bulletin


1972: President Fearghus O’Foghluda

New Award for Distinguished Contributions to Medical Physics named after, and presented to, Dr. William D. Coolidge

AAPM Board endorses proposal to publish a journal

First joint symposium with American Physical Society

Members polled on the question “Are you in favor of creating a new professional organization?”


Yes 69%; No 12%; Other 19%.


1973: President C. J. Karzmark

AAPM becomes a Full Member Society of AIP

AAPM Council Structure proposed: Science, Educational and Professional Councils formed

“Clinical” member status discussed

Board presented Motion that an American Academy of Medical Physics (AAMP) be established.

After discussion, the Board decided instead to form the AAPM Professional Council


1974: President Raymond Tanner

AAPM published first issue of Medical Physics, with Gail Adams the founding Editor

Agreement reached with NCI to fund regional Center for Radiological Physics (CRP) program: Six regional CRPs established


Physicists eligible for Full Membership in American Rontgen Ray Society


1975: President Jack Krohmer

Membership exceeds 1000

Radiation Therapy Committee publishes “Code of Practice for X-Ray Therapy Linear Accelerators” in Medical Physics

Code of Ethics and Employment Practices Code established

ABR certification procedures modified

Farrington Daniels Award for Best Article on Radiation Dosimetry Published in Medical Physics established



1976: President Jacques Ovadia

Chicago firm Smith, Bucklin and Association hired for management services: Sharon Pierce assumes the role of Executive Officer

AAPM Newsletter initiated with Andrew Bukovits Editor

Membership rejects “Clinical” membership status

Publication of AAPM Monograph #1: Biophysical Aspects of Medical Use of Technetium-99m


1977: President William Hendee

AAPM Report Series initiated with “Phantoms and Performance Evaluation and Quality Assurance of CT Scanners”

AAPM Charter Member Rosalyn Yallow wins Nobel Prize for Radioimmunoassay discovery

Publication of AAPM Report No. 2 – Training Programs in Medical Physics

Concept of an Administrative Council discussed by the Board


1978: President Peter Wootton

CRP Report series initiated

JCAH defines “Qualified Medical Physicist” in Hospital Accreditation Manual

Board votes to change management firm to P. M. Haeger & Associates

Board formed an ad hoc committee to explore the potential establishment of a Commission on Review and Accreditation of Training Programs in Medical Physics

Publication of AAPM Monograph #2: Practical Aspects of Electron Beam Treatment Planning


1979: President Bengt Bjarngard

AAPM Board asked to nominate physicists for appointment of a Trustee of American Board of Radiology

AAPM sponsors American Board of Science in Nuclear Medicine

Edward Siegel becomes Editor of Medical Physics

Publication of AAPM Monograph #3: The Physics of Medical Imaging: Recording System Measurements and Techniques


1980: President Robert Waggener

AIP selected as new management firm for AAPM

Renewed interest in professional issues and members polled on the question “Should the AAPM more actively try to influence legislation and regulation?” The results were:

Yes 311; No 11.

Publication of Report No. 7 – Protocol for Neutron Beam Dosimetry (1980)

Publication of AAPM Monograph #4: Quality Assurance in Diagnostic Radiology

Publication of AAPM Monograph #5: Biological risks of medical irradiations

Publication of AAPM Monograph #6 Medical Physics of CT and Ultrasound: Tissue Imaging and Characterization




1981: President Colin Orton

AAPM ad hoc Committee on Professionalism formed whose task was to recommend how better to address our professional needs

Committee recommended the formation of the American College of Medical Physics (ACMP)

AAPM Board agrees to formation of an ACMP Constituting Panel with ten AAPM members elected by membership, and voted to provide $5000 to support Panel meetings

AAPM forms the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs (CAMPEP)

AAPM Management Office moved to the AIP in New York with Anke Junge Executive Secretary

Publication of AAPM Monograph #7 Recent Advances in Brachytherapy Physics



1982: President Ann Wright

AAPM members polled on the question “Do you favor formation of the ACMP?”

Results: Yes 277; No 121.

ACMP established independent of AAPM

ACR creates a Commission on Physics

Edward Chaney becomes Editor of Medical Physics

Publication of Report No. 11 – A Guide to the Teaching of Clinical Radiological Physics to Residents In Radiology

Publication of AAPM Monograph #8 Physical Aspects of Hyperthermia

Publication of AAPM Monograph #9: Advances in Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning


1983: President Nagalingam Suntharalingham

Membership surpasses 2,000.

The AAPM officially applied for sponsor member status on the ABR

Publication of TG-21: A protocol for the determination of absorbed dose from high-energy photon and electron beams

Sylvia Sorkin Greenfield Award for the Best Paper Published in Medical Physics established

AAPM became a participating member of the Consortium of Radiation Therapy Societies

Elaine Osterman appointed AAPM Executive Officer

Publication of AAPM Monograph #10 Physics of Nuclear Medicine: Recent Advances

Publication of AAPM Monograph #11 Electronic Imaging in Medicine



1984: President Edward Sternick

Application for sponsor status of the ABR was not approved

AAPM/HPA travel award established

Annual Meeting was an “Inter-American Meeting of

Medical Physics”

Publication of Report No. 13 – Physical Aspects of Quality Assurance in Radiation Therapy

Publication of AAPM Monograph #12: Recent Developments in Digital Imaging




1985: President James Purdy

Fearghus O’Foghludha becomes Editor of Medical Physics

Board votes to provide Medical Physics free to student members

Members were polled to determine if they supported the formation of an American Board of Medical Physics (ABMP). The result was:

193 FOR


AAPM forms an Ad-Hoc Committee on the Constituting

Panel of the ABMP

Publication by the AAPM of the document “The Roles, Responsibilities, and Status of the Clinical Medical Physicist”

Publication of AAMP Monograph #13: Multiple Regression Analysis. Applications in the Health Sciences


1986: President Edwin McCullough

John Laughlin becomes Editor of Medical Physics

Application for sponsor status of the ABR still not approved

Members polled on the question: “Do you support AAPM sponsorship of the ABMP at this time?”

Result: YES 212, NO 478

Motion that the AAPM sponsor the American Board of Medical Physics reopened by the Board but tabled indefinitely

Publication of Report No. 16 – Protocol for Heavy Charged-Particle Therapy Beam Dosimetry

Publication of Report No. 17 – The Physical Aspects of Total and Half Body Photon Irradiation

Publication of Report No. 19 – Neutron Measurements Around High Energy X-Ray Radiotherapy Machines

Publication of Report No. 20 – Site Planning for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems

Publication of AAPM Monograph #14: NMR in Medicine: The Instrumentation and Clinical Applications


1987: President Paul Carson

Application for sponsor status of the ABR still not approved and discussed in depth by the Board which voted to continue to seek sponsor status

The Ad-Hoc Committee on the Constituting Panel of the ABMP proposed that the AAPM sponsor the American Board of Medical Physics. The AAPM Board tables the Motion.

Publication of Report No. 24 – Radiotherapy Portal Imaging Quality

Publication of Report No. 23 – Total Skin Electron Therapy: Technique and Dosimetry

Publication of AAPM Monograph #15: Advances in accelerator design


1988: President Gary Barnes

World Congress held in San Antonio.

The Board of Directors approved a contribution of $7500.00 to the Texas Medical Physics Society for support of their effort to obtain licensure for medical physicists in Texas.

CAMPEP accredits first graduate program

Board approves the document “Qualifications for Independently Performing the Duties of a Clinical Medical Physicist.”

Publication of Report No. 25 – Protocols for the Radiation Safety Surveys of Diagnostic Radiological Equipment

Publication of AAPM Monograph #16: Biological, Physical, and Clinical Aspects of Hyperthermia

Publication of AAPM Monograph #17 Computers in Medical Physics




1989: President Faiz Khan

Application for sponsor status of the ABR still not approved

Summer School Scholarship program initiated

The Trilateral Committee formed to “foster cooperative relationships between the AAPM, the ACMP, and the ACR”

AAPM Executive Officer Elaine Osterman’s title changed to “Executive Director”

Publication of AAPM Monograph #18 Expanding the Role of Medical Physics in Nuclear Medicine


1990: President Alfred Smith

Membership exceeds 3000

The ABR approved AAPM sponsorship with one trustee, not the three trustees originally requested

History Committee video interviews program initiated

Publication of TG-25:  Clinical electron-beam dosimetry

Publication of Report No. 36 – Essentials and Guidelines for Hospital Based Medical Physics Residency Training Programs

Publication of Report No. 28 – Quality Assurance Methods and Phantoms for Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Publication of AAPM Monograph #19: Advances in Radiation Oncology Physics: Dosimetry, Treatment Planning, and Brachytherapy




1991: President Gary Fullerton

The Board accepts the ABR offer to allow AAPM sponsorship of the ABR with one trustee

The Board issued a resolution in support of the effort to obtain licensure of medical physicists in California by the California Medical Physics Society

“Qualifications for Independently Performing the Duties of a Clinical Medical Physicist” published in the AAPM Newsletter.

Publication of Report No. 33 – Staffing Levels and Responsibilities of Physicists in Diagnostic Radiology

Publication of Report No. 32 – Clinical Electron-Beam Dosimetry

Publication of AAPM Monograph #20: Specification, Acceptance Testing and Quality Control of Diagnostic Imaging Equipment



1992: President Robert Dixon

The Board votes to relocate AAPM Headquarters from New York to the American Center for Physics, College Park, MD

Publication of Report No. 35 – Recommendations on Performance Characteristics of Diagnostic Exposure Meters

Publication of Report No. 34 – Acceptance Testing of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems

Publication of AAPM Monograph #21: The Physics of MRI


1993: President Richard Morin

Motion that the AAPM sponsor the American Board of Medical Physics was reopened by the Board but tabled indefinitely

AAPM HQ moved to the American Center for Physics, College Park, MD with Sal Trofi, Jr. as the new Executive Director

Publication of Report No. 44 – Academic Program for Master of Science Degree in Medical Physics

Publication of Report No. 38 – The Role of a Physicist in Radiation Oncology

Publication of Medical Physics Monograph No. 22: Digital Imaging




1994: President Ravinder Nath

Publication of TG-40: Comprehensive QA for radiation oncology

Publication of Report No. 47 – AAPM Code of Practice for Radiotherapy Accelerators

Publication of Report No. 45 – Management of Radiation Oncology Patients with Implanted Cardiac Pacemakers

The ABR approves three trustees for the AAPM

CAMPEP becomes independent of the AAPM


1995: President Guy Simmons

Membership exceeds 4000

Publication of TG-43: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources

AAPM begins storing archives in the AIP Neils Bohr Library

Publication of the 1st AAPM/ACMP Abt Study of Medical Physicist Work Values for Radiation Oncology Physics Services

CAMPEP accredits first continuing education programs

Publication of Report No. 55 – Radiation Treatment Planning Dosimetry Verification

Publication of Report No. 54 – Stereotactic Radiosurgery (1995)


1996: President Bhudatt Paliwal

A dialogue initiated between the ABMP and the ABR concerning an effort to establish a single certification board for medical physicists

The ABR formed a Medical Physics Board Certification Council to work on a unified process for medical physics certification.

An AAPM ad hoc Committee on Medical Physics Certification formed

The Medical Physics journal Editorial Office moved to the AAMP HQ in College Park.

Achievement in Medical Physics Award (now called the “Edith H. Quimby Lifetime Achievement Award”) initiated




1997: President Stephen Thomas

Colin Orton becomes Editor of Medical Physics

In response to a request from the ABR, the Board passed the following statement: “The AAPM reaffirms its sponsorship of the ABR and does not sponsor any other competing Board”

Publication of TG-56: Code of practice for brachytherapy physics

CAMPEP accredits first medical physics residency program

Publication of AAPM Monograph #23: The Expanding Role of Medical Physics in Diagnostic Imaging



1998: President Lawrence Rothenberg

AAPM supports the ACMP proposal that requests three ACMP trustees on the ABR Board to unify the two medical physics certification Boards

AAPM 40th Anniversary celebrated at the Annual Meeting in San Antonio and with a Special Supplement of Medical Physics

Publication of Report No. 63 – Radiochromic Film Dosimetry

Publication of Report No. 62-Quality assurance for clinical radiotherapy treatment planning

Publication of Report No. 61 – High dose-rate brachytherapy treatment delivery

Publication of AAPM Monograph #24: Imaging in Radiation Therapy


1999: President Geoffrey Ibbott

Publication of TG-51: A protocol for clinical reference dosimetry of high-energy photon and electron beams

Publication of TG-64: Permanent prostate seed implant brachytherapy

The Medical Physics journal goes online

Publication of Report No. 64 – A Guide to the Teaching of Clinical Radiological Physics to Residents in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiology

Publication of AAPM Monograph #25: Practical Digital Imaging and PACS


2000: President Kenneth Hogstrom

AAPM hosts the World Congress in Chicago

AAPM provides financial support for medical physicist licensure efforts in New York State

Summer School Fellowship program approved by the Board

Publication of AAPM Monograph #26: General Practice of Radiation Oncology Physics in the 21st Century




2001: President Charles Coffey, II

ABMP and ABR sign agreement that unifies the certification of medical physicists: The ABR will continue to examine in the traditional fields of therapeutic, diagnostic, and nuclear medicine, and the ABMP will examine in non-traditional fields such as MRI and medical health physics

AAPM becomes a sponsor of the ABMP

AAPM Virtual Library and web-based learning site launched

Publication of Report No. 75 – Clinical use of electronic portal imaging

Publication of Report No. 73 – Medical Lasers: Quality Control, Safety Standards, and Regulations

Publication of AAPM Monograph #27: Accreditation Programs and the Medical Physicist


2003: President Martin Weinhous


2004: President G. Donald Frey

Membership exceeds 5000

Bill Hendee becomes Editor of Medical Physics

Angela Keyser becomes Executive Director upon Sal Trofi’s retirement

Publication of Report No. 84: Update of AAPM Task Group No. 43 Report: A revised AAPM protocol for brachytherapy dose

Publication of AAPM Monograph #30: Specifications, Performance Evaluation and Quality Assurance of Radiographic and Fluoroscopic Systems in the Digital Era


2005: President Howard Amols


2007: President Mary Martel

AAPM Board recommends that graduation from an accredited clinical residency program should be a requirement for qualifying for board certification. ABR declared that completion of an accredited residency would be a requirement to sit for the Board Examination in Physics in 2014

Publication of Report No. 95 – The management of imaging dose during image-guided radiotherapy

Publication of Report No. 149 – Dose calculation formalisms and consensus dosimetry parameters for intravascular brachytherapy dosimetry

Publication of Report No. 216 – Radiographic film for megavoltage beam dosimetry

The AAPM cosponsors the “Image Gently” campaign


2008: President Gerald White, Jr.

AAPM celebrates Golden Anniversary

The Society of Directors of Academic Medical Physics Programs (SDAMPP) formed

Publication of the 3rd AAPM/ACMP Abt Study of Medical Physicist Work Values for Radiation Oncology Physics Services

Publication of Report No. 96 – The Measurement, Reporting, and Management of Radiation Dose in CT

Publication of Report No. 106 – Accelerator beam data commissioning equipment and procedures

Publication of AAPM Monograph #33: The Physics and Applications of PET/CT Imaging


2009: President Maryellen Giger

Membership exceeds 7000

Publication of AAPM Report 142: Quality assurance of medical accelerators

Publication of AAPM Report 197: Academic program recommendations for graduate degrees in Medical Physics

Publication of Report No. 99 – Recommendations for clinical electron beam dosimetry

Publication of Report No. 137 – AAPM recommendations on dose prescription and reporting methods for permanent interstitial brachytherapy for prostate cancer

Publication of AAPM Monograph #34: Clinical Dosimetry Measurements in Radiotherapy



2010: President Michael Herman

New “Administrative Council” formed

The Board voted to assume the core elements of ACMP into the AAPM, starting on January 1, 2012, subject to the approval of an agreement by the Boards of the ACMP and the AAPM.

The core ACMP elements to be preserved include the ACMP’s annual meeting as the AAPM’s spring clinical meeting, the Marvin M.D. Williams Award, and the Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics (JACMP)

Publication of Report No. 100 – Acceptance Testing and Quality Assurance Procedures for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Facilities

Publication of Report No. 101 – Stereotactic body radiation therapy

Publication of Report No. 148 – QA for helical tomotherapy


2011: President J. Anthony Seibert

The Board reaffirmed the goal of advancing licensure of QMPs in the United States

Publication of Report No. 120 – Dosimetry tools and techniques for IMRT

Publication of Report No. 204 – Size-Specific Dose Estimates (SSDE) in Pediatric and Adult Body CT Examinations

Publication of Report No. 135-Quality assurance for robotic radiosurgery

Publication of AAPM Monograph #35: Uncertainties in External Beam Radiation Therapy


2012: President Gary Ezzell

AAPM assumes the core elements of the ACMP.

The Marvin M.D. Williams Award and the JACMP moved from the ACMP to the AAPM

The 1st Spring Clinical Meeting held in Dallas

The Board voted to authorize AAPM to support Medical Physics Licensure and Regulatory Recognition Subcommittee with a budget of $100,000 per year for two years

The Board pledges to support Image Wisely

Publication of AAPM Report 229: Dose calculation for photon-emitting brachytherapy sources with average energy higher than 50 keV


2013: President John Hazle

Membership exceeds 8000

Publication of AAPM Report 249: Essentials and guidelines for clinical Medical Physics residency training programs

JACMP begins publication of Medical Physics Practice Guidelines (MPPGs)

Publication of AAPM MPPG 1.a: CT Protocol Management and Review Practice Guideline

Publication of AAPM Monograph #36: Quality and Safety in Radiotherapy: Learning the New Approaches in Task Group 100 and Beyond



2014: President John Bayouth

Jeff Williamson becomes Editor of Medical Physics

The AAPM entered into agreements with the NCRP and ICRU to allow AAPM to purchase access to NCRP and ICRU publications for Full AAPM Members

The AAPM endorsed a national matching program for medical physics residencies and committed $150.000 over a four-year period to support the Residency Pairing Program

The MedPhys Match Program initiated

Board votes to authorize purchase the property located at 1631 Prince Street, Alexandria, Virginia for the new AAPM Headquarters

Publication of AAPM MPPG 2.a: Commissioning and quality assurance of X-ray–based image-guided radiotherapy systems


2015: President John Boone

New HQ building purchased in Alexandria VA

The Board voted to commit $100,000 in 2016 to continue collaborations with ASTRO on the Radiation Oncology Incident Learning System (RO-ILS)

Publication of AAPM Report 151: Ongoing quality control in digital radiography

Publication of AAPM MPPG 3.a: Levels of supervision for medical physicists in clinical training

Publication of AAPM MPPG 4.a: Development, implementation, use and maintenance of safety checklists

Publication of AAPM MPPG 5.a.: Commissioning and QA of Treatment Planning Dose Calculations — Megavoltage Photon and Electron Beams

Publication of the 4th Abt Study of Medical Physicist Work Values for Radiation Oncology Physics Services

Publication of AAMP Monograph #37: Principles and Practice of Proton Beam Therapy, AAPM Monograph, 2015 Summer School


2016: President Bruce Curran

The Board voted for the AAPM to assume oversight of the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise in Radiation Oncology (IHE-RO) project, previously managed by ASTRO

Publication of TG-100: Application of risk analysis methods to radiation therapy quality management

Publication of Report No. 167-Guidelines by the AAPM and GEC-ESTRO on the use of innovative brachytherapy devices and applications


2018: President Bruce Thomadsen

History Committee deposited time capsule to celebrate the 60th Anniversary

Publication of AAPM MPPG 10.a.: Scope of practice for clinical medical physics

Publication of Report No. 218- Tolerance Limits and Methodologies for IMRT Measurement-Based Verification QA

Publication of Report No. TRS-483 – Dosimetry of small static fields used in external photon beam radiotherapy

Publication of APM Monograph #39: Image Guidance in Radiation Therapy: Techniques, Accuracy, and Limitations


2019: President Cynthia McCollough

Publication of Report No. 270 – Display Quality Assurance

Publication of Report No. 177 – Acceptance Testing and Annual Physics Survey Recommendations for Gamma Camera, SPECT, and SPECT/CT Systems

Publication of Report No. 246 – Estimating Patient Organ Dose with Computed Tomography: A Review of Present Methodology and Required DICOM Information

Publication of Report No. 293 – Size Specific Dose Estimate (SSDE) for Head CT

Publication of Report No. 233 – Performance Evaluation of Computed Tomography Systems

Publication of Report No. 224 – AAPM task group 224: comprehensive proton therapy machine quality assurance (2019)

Publication of Report No. 126 – PET/CT Acceptance Testing and Quality Assurance (2019)


2020: President M. Saiful Huq

Board votes to amend the By-Laws and Rules of the AAPM to establish an International Council.  Membership votes approval.

Publication of Report No. 291 – Principles and Applications of Multi-energy CT

Publication of AAPM MPPG 7.a.: Supervision of medical physicist assistants

The AAPM together with the RSNA and ACR selected to Develop Massive Open-Source COVID-19 Medical Image Database through NIBIB contract with the University of Chicago