Video Interviews of Prominent Medical Physicists

19.9 | Alphabetical Listing of all Video Interviews

Adams , Gail (1990 video)

Adams, Gail (2008 video)

Al-Ghazi, Muthana

Allison, Jerry

Almond, Peter

Amols, Howard

Anderson, Lowell

Baily, Norman

Balter, Steve (1997 video)

Balter, Steve (1998 video)

Balter, Steve (2017 video)

Barnes, Gary

Bayouth, John

Bjarngard, Bengt

Boone, John

Borras, Cari (2000 video)

Borras, Cari (2013 video)

Bourland, Dan

Bova, Frank

Boyer, Art

Brownell, Gordon

Bushong, Stu

Butler, Penny

Callendine, George

Cameron, John

Carlson, James

Carson, Paul

Chu, Jim

Clarke, Larry

Coffey, Charles

Cunningham, Jack

Curran, Bruce

DeLuca, Paul (2000 video)

DeLuca, Paul (2016 video)

DeWerd, Larry

Dixon, Bob

Doi, Kunio

Ezzell, Gary

Fahey, Fred

Feldman, Arnold

Fields, Ted

Fraass, Dick

Frey, Don

Fullerton, Gary

Galkin, Ben

Galvin, Jim

Gerbi, Bruce

Giger, Maryellen

Gillin, Michael

Goodwin, Paul

Gorson, Bob

Gould, Bob

Gray, Joel

Greenfield, Moses

Hale, John

Hanson, William

Hazle, John

Hendee, Bill (1992 video)

Hendee, Bill (2004 video)

Herbert, Don

Herman, Mike

Hodara, Morris

Hogstrom, Ken

Huq, Saiful

Ibbott, Geoff

Kallender, Wili

Kase, Ken

Kereiakes, Jim (1990 video)

Kereiakes, Jim (2008 video)

Keyser, Angela

Khan, Faiz

Krohmer, Jack (1992 video)

Krohmer, Jack (1998 video)

Lanzl, Larry

Laughlin, John

Loevinger, Bob

Lutz, Wendell

Mackie, Rock

Mahesh, Mahadevappa

Marshall, Chris

Martel, Mary

Martin, Melissa

McCollough, Cynthia (2011 video)

McCollough, Cynthia (2019 video)

McCullough, Ed

Meurk, Mary Louise

Mistretta, Chuck

Moore, Mary

Morin, Richard

Mower, Herb

Nath, Ravi

Nickoloff, Ed

Niroomand-Rad, Azam

Norman, Amos

O’Fogludha, Feargus

Orton, Colin (1993 video)

Orton, Colin (2004 video)

Osterman, Elaine

Ovadia, Jacques

Paliwal, Bhudatt

Palta, Jatinder (2006 video)

Palta, Jatinder (2017 video)

Pawlicki, Todd

Pelc, Norbert

Pizzutiello, Bob

Podgorsak, Ervin

Purdy, Jim

Reinstein, Larry

Ritenour, Russell

Rogers, Dave

Rothenberg, Larry

Schulz, Bob (1996 video)

Schulz, Bob (2008 video)

Seibert, Tony

Serago, Chris

Shalek, Bob

Simmons, Guy

Sinclair, Warren

Smathers, Jim

Smith, Al

Sprawls, Perry

St. Germain, Jean (1998 video)

St. Germain, Jean (2015 video)

Stanton, Len

Starkschall, George

Stovall, Marilyn

Sunthalaringam, Nagalingam

Sweeney, Ed

Tanner, Ray

Ten Haken, Randy

Thomadsen, Bruce

Thomas, Steve

Trofi, Jr., Sal

Van Dyk, Jake

Vanek, Ken

Waggener, Bob

Wagner, Lou

Webster, Ted

Weinhous, Martin

White, Gerry

Wong, John

Wootton, Peter

Wright, Ann

Wright, Ken

Xu, X. George

Yalow, Rosalyn (1992 video)

Yalow, Rosalyn (1998 video)

Yester, Michael

Yorke, Ellen